Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rolling with the Punches

Gosh. This is something I wish I could do better. I am a planner at heart. I LOVE to be prepared.

I can't stand when I've spent time planning and things go awry.

On Tuesday, I found out my mother-in-law, who is coming from overseas for the holiday, changed the date of her return flight at the request of the airlines without checking to see if we already had plans for that day. This means she will be going home during the play that I paid an ungodly amount of money for us to see. It also means my husband will be driving her to the airport during the play that I paid an ungodly amount of money for us to see. It was supposed to be the big event we all did as part of her trip. I will be the first to admit I did not take the news well. Anyhoo, now I am seeing if Chloe's best friend and her mom are able to come instead.

Then today I went to pick up photos for our Christmas card at Ritz. Stupid me, I made the file 3 x 5 instead of 3.5 x 5, so the photos are all cropped on one side. And I have 85 of them. Completely my fault, but completely annoying. (I apparently wasn't seeing a preview of the file as it would be printed when I ordered it, just the file as it was.) I have cut the photos down now, so they are a 2.5 x 3.5 of Chloe. It works okay, but again, not according to plan.

I know I need to just let things go. Not everything will be perfect all the time. But I want it to be!

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